Wellness Ramen
This recipe leans on the tradition of ramen by adding some Ayurvedic influence in the way of fresh ground turmeric and black pepper. This reputedly heats the body and builds immunity; myth or not, it certainly adds wonderful complexity and depth of flavour to the broth.
Serves 4
- 4 x 100g Mt Cook Alpine Salmon Portions (skin off)
- 4 x 100g Cooked ramen noodles (or any noodles)
- Approx 150g White or other miso paste
- Approx 2 tbsp Japanese soy sauce (or any soy sauce)
- 1 sheet x Nori (or any seaweed or leafy green vege)
- 4 x 5 minute 30 seconds boiled egg (or try soft tofu)
- 1 tbsp chives, chopped (or any onion)
- To taste – chilli flakes or hot sauce (try shichimi)
Dashi Stock ingredients
- 10cm Konbu
- 2 x fresh or dried shiitake mushrooms (or any mushroom)
- 1 tbsp dried bonito flakes (or any stock powder)
- 2L x cold water
Turmeric Paste ingredients
- 1 tsp x fresh garlic (or preserved or powdered garlic)
- 1 tsp x fresh ginger (or preserved ginger)
- 1 tsp x fresh tumeric (or powdered tumeric)
- 1/2 tsp x freshly ground black pepper
- 1 tbsp x sesame oil
1. Add konbu and shiitake to 2 litres of cold water and bring to the boil.
2. Add the bonito flakes and turn off element. Stir once and sit for 20 minutes. Strain. Reserve the konbu and shiitake.
Turmeric paste
3. Macerate the turmeric, garlic and ginger. Add the pepper and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil.
4. Cut the stalks from the shiitake and finely slice with the konbu. Marinate in some soy sauce for 10 minutes.
5. Grill the salmon to medium rare and rest on a paper towel.
6. Add miso to the dashi stock by stirring through a sieve to prevent clumping.
7. Place the noodles in a suitable bowl and cover with miso broth.
8. Garnish with the salmon and all other ingredients (egg, nori, chives, soy sauce, konbu, shiitake, turmeric paste). Season with shichimi to taste.
Note: Avoid boiling the broth once the miso is added as it will reduce nutritional value.